Lesson 8—Sometimes God answers our prayers in unusual ways.

On 5th June, 2009, our Dad passed on, and it was a difficult time for me as the eldest child, because I was away from home, working in NY, USA, and could not be with him during his final days. I prayed for that not to be repeated with our Mum. I wanted to be with her when she passed on. In 2013, our Mum, who was living in The Gambia, took ill and requested that we take her to the neighbouring country of Dakar, Senegal, for treatment. We did that, while praying that God would heal the only parent we had left. She had only been in the hospital for a few days when I started getting the urge to go and see her. When I finally decided to go a week later, I was on a plane from New York to Dakar reading the Psalms and Psalm 66, verse 20, caught my attention because it says: “Blessed be God, who has not turned away my prayer, nor His mercy from me.” I took it to mean that God had answered our prayers, and that our Mum was going to be fine. You can imagine my confusion, shock, and disappointment when she died the same day I arrived at the hospital in Dakar. After all the hospital formalities, I went to the hotel, still in shock, and read Psalm 66:20 again, and as I reflected on it, I got the revelation that God was answering another prayer that I had prayed, which was that I should be present when our Mum passes on. Jeremiah 29:11 says:For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” While it was a devastating experience, I was grateful that God answered my prayer to be with her when she passed on.

Lesson 9—God wants us to take our eyes off ourselves and look to Him.

I have found that it is while I am struggling with an issue, praying and feeling sorry for myself that God brings people with the same issue my way for me to encourage and counsel them. I often wondered why God would do that. After all, 2 Corinthians 1:3–4 says that He comforts us so that we can in turn comfort others in similar situations, but here I was, not yet comforted, but being sent people to comfort! Gideon was hiding in a winepress threshing wheat, so the Midianites would not rob him of his harvest, when God met him there and called him a mighty man of valour. Gideon saw himself as needing to be delivered from the Midianites, whilst God saw him as the one He would use to deliver Israel from the Midianites (Judges 6 and 7).

Sometimes, we do not realise what we have and how much of a blessing we can be to others; we need to take our eyes off ourselves and our situation and be ready to be used by God. So, in this spirit, I share what I have with others, drawing from my past experiences to counsel and provide comfort to the one in need.

I wish all my readers a great month of October. Follow your dreams.


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