
Lesson 2God will sometimes re-direct our prayers to achieve His purpose.

Most times, I pray alone, but at other times I pray with one or more prayer partners. On one occasion I was praying with a prayer partner and while rounding up our prayers, she started praying for my family. As I listened to her pray, I thought it would be good for me to return the gesture, but my spirit was not settled on that. As she continued to pray, the name of a terrorist organisation wreaking havoc in a West African nation came to my mind and I heard, “pray for that.” As I thought about it, I heard my friend start praying about the same terrorist organisation! God had re-directed our prayer to His purpose, because we sometimes do not know what we should pray for, so the Holy Spirit helps us pray according to God’s will (Romans 8:26).

Lesson 3—Prayer is the greatest power God gave us.

I have had countless answers to prayers, for which I am grateful to God. Once, a young man was in a wrong relationship and by sustained prayer that relationship was broken. Monies that had been due to me and caught up in a lot of red tape for years were released through prayer and making a vow to God, which I fulfilled when I received the monies.

A young lady was facing severe difficulties at work with a colleague and by prayer the matter was resolved. In this case, the colleague left the job unceremoniously and the young lady was able to carry on with her job in peace.

On many occasions, I have been told that something is not possible only for God to turn impossibility into possibility. Having been diagnosed with asthma, a disease with no known cure, and suffering its effects for sixteen years, I was healed of asthma through prayer. These are just a few testimonies of how I have used the power of prayer to change situations.

Prayer is the greatest power we have and we should use it, knowing that with God, nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37).

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