Divine Moments

Have you noticed that sometimes when you act on what you may call an impulse you get outstanding results that go way beyond your imagination and at other times, even when using the same methods, you just get the expected results? And have you also noticed that there are periods of time when all you do produces outstanding results, and periods where things are not going so well?
Many who needed physical healing turned up the pool of Bethesda waiting for the stirring of the water by the angel. The Bible tells us, in the book of John Chapter 5, that an angel came down at a certain season to stir the water and the one who was first to step into the water after this stirring became completely healed. The stirring of the water was the divine moment for the sick, and they were all at the pool just watching and waiting for this moment. The one who keyed into that divine moment got outstanding results in that they were not only completely healed of their disease(s), they were made whole; physically, emotionally, psychologically, in body and soul. For healing to take place without the stirring of the water by the angel was impossible.
 Divine moments can also happen over a period of time. Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ said “I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work”         (John 9:4). So we see that Jesus took every opportunity He had to tell and show the goodness of God; whether it was healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons or teaching and doing miracles, He did it all to the glory of God. When the time of His passion came and he was to be crucified for the sins of the world so that we can be reconciled to God through His blood, the Bible did not record that he did any miracles. In fact, at his trial he was dumb like a lamb before his shearers (Isaiah 53:7). Why? It was because His divine moment for doing those things had passed.
We can recognise our divine moment by the promptings of the Holy Spirit within us and when this occurs we must immediately respond. To delay or try to decipher or rationalize what we felt inwardly will make us miss our divine moment. Many people can give testimonies of how their lives changed for good after they acted on the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
A couple of weeks ago, I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to come apart into a quiet place and rest a while (Mark 6:31). I immediately obeyed and the consequences of my obedience were a refreshing from God, a restoration of His joy and peace in my heart and my family members experienced miracles that only God can perform.
Beloved, watch out for divine moments from God because these are His appointed times to meet with you and answer your deepest needs.


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