On the morning of 28th June 2023, I took a ten minute walk from my temporary accommodation to the Global Prayer Room at the International House of Prayer, Kansas City, (IHOPKC), Missouri, USA. It was a bright morning and the weather was just right for a morning walk, the temperature was mild. As I was walking along the road, I remembered that I had been told about a lady who was diagnosed with breast cancer and undergoing medical treatment, who had asked for prayer from one of the prayer groups I belong to.

In my prayer groups, we pray for healing from various diseases and for other situations and, for the most part, the people get healed, thanks be to God! When it comes to cancer, however, the story is mixed, with few that we have prayed for being healed of the disease. As I thought about her, a flood of emotions filled my mind and I started asking God many questions and queries that had been bothering me about why many people with cancer do not get healed. I complained about the times we lost people to the disease even after praying for their healing, and I wanted to know if this lady was going to be healed. I continued questioning God, wanting to find out from Him how we should pray for her, what we should pray for, but most importantly, I wanted a specific answer to my question of whether or not she would be healed when we pray for her. If I got an answer, I thought, it would help me know how to pray. As I was complaining to God, two ladies who are now cancer-free came to mind, one we had prayed for and the other I got to know through a friend. I asked God why some were healed and some were not and wanted to know God’s mind for this lady so we could pray effectively.

I have known over the years that I have to pray in faith for every situation and believe God to hear and answer my prayer. On this morning, however, I had a real struggle in my mind between believing in faith for answer to our prayers for the lady’s healing and the reality of how many had died of the disease despite our prayers. You must have heard it said that God answers all prayers with either a ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘wait’; well on this morning I wanted to know which it was going to be for this lady. I wanted reassurance that our prayers of faith will heal her (James 5:15).

I continued walking and pondering on these questions and queries, waiting for God to reply, but none came. I arrived at the prayer room a little depressed for not having had any answer to my questions. I settled down and tried to quiet my thoughts so that I can participate in the worship that was going on. The worship team led us in a few more songs and then these lyrics came on the screen:

“My part is to let You be GOD,

My part is to keep coming back to You,

My part is to pray and see what You will do,

My part is to not quit before You do.”

At first the lyrics did not mean much to me, but as I kept looking at the screen, it dawned on me that God was giving me the answer to my questions! 

I was reminded, yet again, that there are mainly two parts to the prayer equation; God’s part and my part. My part is to pray in faith and God’s part is to answer according to His will. I needed that reminder as we prayed for God to heal the lady from cancer. God will not do both parts because He has given us the part of praying to Him, and we cannot do both parts because we have to wait for His answer to our prayers. So we must do our part which is never to give up but to continue earnestly in prayer, being expectant of what God will do, and 'letting God be God'. He will do His part and He does not need our advice, suggestion or interference, and neither should we think that we have a right to get answers to our prayers ahead of time, like I was demanding. 

I was humbled and grateful at the same time that God answered me. It has given me the assurance to continue praying without ceasing, to wait in anticipation for His divine response to our prayers, and to be thankful whichever way it goes, because that is His will for us. 

Thank You, God.


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