The Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Today, I want to talk about a topic that we rarely hear about - the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This is so central to our faith as followers of Jesus. It is our hope and what we long for, a time when our faith becomes sight. We should look forward to that Day with eager anticipation, not only for our rewards, but to see Jesus face to face. ............................ The first time Jesus came into the world, it was to preach the kingdom of God and pay the penalty for our sin by His death on the cross and resurrection, thereby making the only way for us to be reconciled to God (John 14:6). When He comes again the second time, as He promised, it will be to judge the world, living and dead, and to establish the kingdom of God (John 5:24–30; Revelation 11:15). On that day, all who believed in Him as Saviour will be with Him and He will reward everyone for their Christian service (Revelation 22:12). Jesus Christ predicte...
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